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ESTATE NEWS FROM NL - Volume 25, No. 1 - March 6, 2025
3027 East Lakeshore Dr. 
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808
March 21-23, 2025
Fri.-Sat. 8 am-5 pm, Sun. 10 am-4 pm

Dear Customers: It's hard to believe it's been six months since our last sale, but great sales are worth the wait! We want you, our customer, to know that we don't just take any sale...we take only the very best! Our stately, lakefront, Ozzie & Harriet-styled home promises elegance within its walls, to denote, "a life well-lived here".

Highlights are as follows:
*ART: Fine works in watercolors by Ann Hathaway (flower) & Ann Werner (still life); vintage Euro City Scape in pastel chalk (artist unknown); beautiful lithograph of Blue Jays by Roger Tory Peterson; Oil primitives depicting plantation life, by Dorothy Shelby, May Kugler, Edwin Baptiste, Geraldine Smith & Merrianne; painted, colorful tiles by French artist, Lurline Lemieux; in the style of Clementine Hunter (homage); early 19th Century well done oil of German Village by H. Bartens; Primitive Oil Painting of rustic cabin (artist illegible) Gogan-styled oil painting (artist unknown) * CHINA/PORCELAIN: Royal Doulton "The Charlotte"; Antique Limoges China; Russian Lomonosov Imperial "Cobalt Net"; Wedgwood; Spode; Delft, Belleek, Majolica & Minton; West German porcelains from late 1800's; Victorian, hand painted porcelains; stunning 22K gold trimmed Noritake and Bavarian China Sets and Vintage Fiesta by Laughlin. * CRYSTAL: Tables packed with crystal decor and tableware; lovely vintage etched stemware to include elegant Euro gold bordered stems. * FURNITURE: Country French Side Board by John Widdicomb; Traditional, slate blue, skirted decorator sofa; Federal styled Settee; Lg. Leather overstuffed sofa; mahogany coffee table w/pull out service trays;
Highlights Continued Click Here

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